
A new website

There you go, our new website. A completely new look and feel for that digital Zipper experience. This website will be a place where you can find vintage clothing inspiration, information on the sustainability of second-hand clothing, and if you’re really into it, read some funny background story’s of Zipper. We hope you like it, feel free to browse around, and as we say in the shop everyday; if you have any questions feel free to ask them!

New in store

Summer is over, and we are getting ready for autumn! And so we are re-stocking the shop 3 times a week so you can get yourself winter ready. ️️️Some of what you can find this month is:
- Trenchcoats for those first rainydays.
- Warm and fuzzy lammy coats!
- Checkered woolpants & Levi's highwaist jeans.
- Wool sweaters, printed, plain or branded... so much that choosing just one is the hardest part.    
- and so much more items then we have space for to write in this little post. So swing by and check it all out for yourself! (Or keep an eye on our Instagram for the quickest updates) 


Check out our insta

On our instagram you can find a ton of inspiration, our newest clothes,
and maybe, if you step by you can even spot yourself!

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